Remote Learning
In the event of a lockdown we will be actioning our contingency plans set out below.
The expectations will be slightly different for each year group and these are outlined below. All learning that is shared remotely is following the learning that is happening in the Academy and is available through Tapestry.
Remote Learning daily expectation
Reception - Presentation Available Here - Reception Remote Learning Overview
- Reading (15 mins) – please read with your child for 15 minutes every day. We will be sending out a link to a new online reading book selection for children in Reception.
- Phonics (20 mins) – we will be sharing learning and resources to continue our phonics programme.
- Literacy (50 mins) – we will share a range of activities to complete with a literacy focus with your child.
- Maths (50 mins) – we will share a range of activities to complete with a maths focus with your child.
- Foundation Subjects (1hr) (Science, Geography, History, RE, PSHE, Computing etc.) – we will be sharing a range of activities and resources to cover the other areas of the curriculum.
- Being Active (10 – 30 mins) – we will share some fun active videos and ideas to help break up the day with movement.
Year 1 - Presentation Available Here - Year 1 Remote Learning Overview
- Reading (15 mins) – please read with your child for 15 minutes every day. We will be sending out a link to a new online reading book selection for children in Reception.
- Phonics (20 mins) – we will be sharing learning and resources to continue our phonics programme.
- Literacy (50 mins) – we will share a range of activities to complete with a literacy focus with your child.
- Maths (50 mins) – we will share a range of activities to complete with a maths focus with your child.
- Foundation Subjects (1hr) (Science, Geography, History, RE, PSHE, Computing etc.) – we will be sharing a range of activities and resources to cover the other areas of the curriculum.
- Being Active (10 – 30 mins) – we will share some fun active videos and ideas to help break up the day with movement.
Year 2 - Presentation Available Here - Year 2 Remote Learning Overview
- Reading (15 mins) – please read with your child for 15 minutes every day. We will be sending out a link to a new online reading book selection for children in Reception.
- Phonics/SPAG/Handwriting (20 mins) – we will be sharing learning and resources to continue our phonics programme, practise SPAG and develop handwriting.
- Literacy (50 mins) – we will share a range of activities to complete with a literacy focus with your child.
- Maths (50 mins) – we will share a range of activities to complete with a maths focus with your child.
- Foundation Subjects (1hr) (Science, Geography, History, RE, PSHE, Computing etc.) – we will be sharing a range of activities and resources to cover the other areas of the curriculum.
- Being Active (10 – 30 mins) – we will share some fun active videos and ideas to help break up the day with movement.
We will send out a weekly overview which will be posted on Tapestry on a Friday by 5pm for the following week. We will ensure all resources and videos are ready by 5pm the day before the learning is due to take place to help you plan your day.
When planning remote learning for your child please remember these key things:
• Your child may need support with some of the learning which is normal practice in a classroom.
• Children do not sit for long periods of time listening and are actively engaged in their learning. We remind ourselves that the children should be working harder than the adults so please do encourage them to work independently and to try their best at having a go at tasks.
• Our day is broken up in to different sections. Each with a break between or with an activity that gets children up and moving.
• The learning on the day can be completed in any order. Setting a daily timetable up will support your child in accessing learning and knowing what needs to be completed in the day along with clear breaks and other activities that can be used as a reward for completing work.
• Feedback is important. We will be asking you to submit 1 piece of work a day for feedback where we can offer additional support and guidance and to assess how well a child is moving forward with their learning and be able to support or challenge further. We will, of course, comment/like all learning we receive in. This will be highlighted on the weekly planning document.
For children who are not accessing our Critical Worker and Vulnerable Care there will be daily check ins on Microsoft Teams for your child to access. These are for children to ask questions, share learning and catch up with their teacher for support. Each week there will be a Year Group Assembly with our Academy Head.
We want the children to try all the activities that we offer so that we can reduce the impact that lockdown may have on children’s education. There is an expectation that each day 1 piece of work is submitted for feedback. This is highlighted on the weekly overview. We also like to see all the other learning that is taking place.
If you have any difficulties and require further support and resources please do contact your child’s year group teachers through Tapestry and they will be more than happy to contact you further.
Remote Learning overviews for each year group can be found on Tapestry.
Get going work and addition websites to support Remote Learning can be found here.
The Education Endowment Foundation have also provided a range of resources to support parents with remote learning at home. Please follow the links below:
7 Top tips to support reading at home
Supporting daily routines during school closure
Supporting Remote Learning routines
Further key information shared by the Kite Academy Trust regarding our Remote Learning offer can be found here